Where do I begin?

As always, start with prayer. In this evangelization effort, ask the Holy Spirit to be with you and guide you.

Next, visit our “The Program” page and read through the various pages. They are simple, to-the-point, and will give you an overall understanding of Hearts Afire: Parish-based Programs from the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. You will see that the Hearts Afire programs follow a certain format, going from Stage 1, to Stage 2, to Stage 3. When done in this order the experience is extremely fruitful.

Spending some time exploring the website will be very helpful to the learning process.

Who are the people involved in putting on the “33 Days to Morning Glory” retreat?

1. Retreat Coordinator – Coordinates the retreat. This person implements and oversees the program in the parish and chooses the core team to assist in the planning and running of the retreat. The Retreat Coordinator is encouraged to work closely with his or her pastor.
2. Small Group Leaders – Facilitate small-group discussion
3. Joyful Participants – Anyone looking to deepen his or her relationship with Jesus and His beautiful Mother.

What is the format of the “33 Days to Morning Glory” retreat?

The retreat is 6 weeks and concludes on a Marian Feast Day with the group meeting once a week. Participants begin each week by reading a specific section from the retreat book, are guided through reflective questions in a retreat companion, gather weekly, watch a 5-minute DVD introduction to that week’s saint or blessed, meet in small groups for 45 minutes of discussion time, reconvene in a large group for 30-minute lessons on DVD, and conclude with prayer.

What is the format of the “Consoling the Heart of Jesus” retreat?

The retreat is 10 weeks and concludes the day of the last session with the group meeting once a week. Participants begin each week by reading a specific section from the retreat book, are guided through reflective questions in a retreat companion, gather weekly, watch a 30-minute DVD lesson that acts as the spiritual guide for the retreat and then they meet in small groups for 45 minutes of discussion time, and conclude with prayer. *NOTE: This format differs slightly from the format for 33 Days to Morning Glory as the DVD plays a different role in this retreat.

What materials are needed for a “33 Days to Morning Glory” retreat?

Each Retreat Coordinator will need two things:

  1. The book, 33 Days to Morning Glory
  2. The 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Coordinator Kit.

The Retreat Coordinator kit includes the following:

• 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Participant Packet

  • – 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Companion
  • – Prayer Card with Consecration Prayer
  • – Collection of Daily Prayers, a greeting-card-sized compilation of the daily prayers that change each week
  • – Rosary (colors will vary)
  • – Pamphlet on How to Pray the Rosary
  • – Miraculous Medal
  • – 8 1⁄2 x 11 full color Consecration Day Certificate

• 33 Days to Morning Glory: Retreat Talks by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC (DVD set: six sessions, approximately 36-minutes each)

• Retreat Coordinator’s Guide

Each Retreat Participant will need two things:

1.) The book “33 Days to Morning Glory” by Fr. Michael Gaitley
2.) The Group Retreat Packet which consists of:

• 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Participant Packet

  • – 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat Companion
  • – Prayer Card with Consecration Prayer
  • – Collection of Daily Prayers, a greeting-card-sized compilation of the daily prayers that change each week
  • – Rosary (colors will vary)
  • – Pamphlet on How to Pray the Rosary
  • – Miraculous Medal
  • – 8 1⁄2 x 11 full color Consecration Day Certificate

Please note: The “retreat book” mentioned above is 33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration. The Participant Packets and Coordinator Kits are available “without retreat book” in consideration of people who already own the retreat book. When placing your order, please let the Member Service Representative know if you will need the retreat book.

What is the cost of the “33 Days to Morning Glory” retreat?

For parishes and/or leaders, the cost is minimal. Both the retreat coordinator kit and participant packet can be purchased with or without the retreat book. The Retreat Coordinator’s Packet without the book is $39.95 and the Group Retreat Packet without the book is $19.95. If you need to add the retreat book to the order, the final amount goes up only by $10.

Can I just buy the Retreat Companion alone, or just by the DVDs alone and run the retreat for either “33 Days to Morning Glory”?

We do not sell the Retreat Companions separate from the packets, for a few reasons. First, the components of the programs are created to complement each other, meaning the Retreat Companions only make sense when used in union with the DVDs. That is because the questions that are written in the Companions are geared to lead you to discussions that either enhance or are explained more fully in the DVD. Second, the rosaries and miraculous metals, etc… are gifts. We don’t charge extra for them. Third, you are going to appreciate the daily prayer card that fits into your book or Bible, the daily consecration prayer card, and the beautiful Consecration Certificate you sign at the end of your retreat.

As a non-profit, we have priced the materials merely to cover our costs, and priced them low in an attempt to hopefully cover the corners of the world with a love for Our Lady and passion to grow ever deeper in love with her Son! This follows the lead of St. Maximilian Kolbe who believed that if this was the quickest, surest, most perfect way to sainthood, then we had to get it out as quickly as possible. That said, please keep our ministry in your prayers and if you want to donate to our cause, please do.

Knowing many would purchase the book prior to doing the retreat with a group, we have made it easy to purchase the participant packet without the book. To learn more, visit: Ordering 33 Days to Morning Glory

How do I start “33 Days to Morning Glory” in my parish?

Watch the “Welcome Tutorial,” and review all the information on the “The Program” tab, focusing on “Introduce Hearts Afire to your Parish.” Once you understand the program, you can introduce it to your pastor. Be sure to download, watch, and use the 33 Days to Morning Glory Powerpoint. The support of your pastor is key. The nice thing is that the “33 Days to Morning Glory” Retreat doesn’t require work from your pastor, but can be run by a parish leader or volunteer.

Call our Member Service Representatives at 800-462-7426 and order your Retreat Coordinator’s Kit to review the program. Please indicate at that time if you need the Retreat Book, 33 Days to Morning Glory, as well. You will want to read the Retreat Coordinator’s Guide thoroughly before beginning. (The guide is also available on our website for registered HAPP leaders.)

Register on the website as a Leader and then download the Retreat Coordinator’s Guide (which will also come in your Retreat Coordinator’s Kit.)

Can I lead a “33 Days to Morning Glory” group in my home?

Absolutely. Leading a group in your home is a great way to ignite a passion. Just remember, we are in the New Evangelization, and although this is a “Do-It-Yourself Retreat” it’s not a “Keep-It-To-Yourself Retreat”. Once Mary has entered your heart, bring your experience to your parish and share Christ with all.

Can I do “33 Days to Morning Glory” by myself?

Absolutely. Going through “33 Days to Morning Glory” by yourself is a great way to ignite a passion in your own heart. Just remember, we are in the New Evangelization, and although this is a “Do-It-Yourself Retreat” it’s not a “Keep-It-To-Yourself” Retreat. Once Mary has entered your heart, bring your experience to your parish and share Christ with all. (Sound familiar?)

Who can join?

“Hearts Afire” welcomes ALL: married, single, divorced, widowed, young adults, retired, religious; ANYONE can join! The retreat is a Catholic retreat, yet if someone who is not Catholic wants to join, we suggest just letting them know up-front that this retreat is Catholic and, as such, it will be dealing with Catholic teaching. It’s also good to let all participants know that this retreat is meant to draw us closer to Jesus through Mary and is not a time to debate Church teaching.

What is available to help me as the coordinator of this retreat?

Retreat Coordinators have numerous resources and support available on the website that make coordinating a retreat simple and fun. Visit our “Retreat Coordinator Role & Resources” page to learn about the Retreat Coordinator & Small Group Leader’s Guide, downloads, templates, videos, flyers, announcements, and much more…

Is registering my group required?

Yes, we require you register your group. Your registration helps us assist you with your Hearts Afire program and it allows you to interact with other groups around the country and with our HAPP team, and to know of upcoming Hearts Afire events. Being a registered HAPP leader allows you access to wonderful templates, documents, videos, etc… that assist you in running a successful retreat.

Should small group leaders register as leaders?

Yes. Instruct your small group leaders to also register on the website.

The Feast Day for our consecration falls on a Wednesday, but we plan to meet on Saturdays. Would it be better to have our first meeting the Saturday before or after the official start date suggested in the Consecration Checklist?

You can start either day. We set up the study such that the last meeting can take place before, on, or after your consecration day. If you end a few days early, we added some prayers to say daily as you work up to your actual consecration day.

  • If you end your retreat before the consecration day: Let your group know not to worry about ending the retreat lessons before the actual consecration day. Instruct them to continue their preparation by simply pondering in their hearts what they have learned and by daily praying the Rosary or the Chaplet of the Ten Evangelical Virtues of Mary (see pages 172-175 in “33 Days to Morning Glory.”

Will “33 Days to Morning Glory” be available in Spanish?

Yes, and we’re excited to be working on it now! It is our goal to have it finished in the fall of 2014. If you’re interested in receiving updates on 33 Days to Morning Glory, which will be part of Corazones en llamas, email us at [email protected]

¿Estará disponible 33 Days to Morning Glory en español?

Sí, ¡y estamos entusiasmados de trabajar en ese proyecto ahora mismo! Nuestra meta es ofrecerlo en el otoño de 2014. Si quiere recibir información sobre 33 Días hacia un Glorioso Amanecer, el cual formará parte de Corazones en llamas, contáctenos por email al [email protected]

What if I still have questions after reading through this FAQ?

You can always contact one of our regional HAPP Team Members by emailing us at [email protected]. Be sure to include your parish, city, state, and diocese in your email to ensure it goes to the correct Team Member. You may also reach a HAPP Team Member at 844-551-3755.